Saturday, February 28, 2009

.....and the winner is.....

Tuesday evening, 3/3 for our first meeting. We'll decide on a theme and date, then kick around some ideas for menu, games, donations, etc. A light dinner will be served.

Themes would ideally have an art association, but that's not set in stone.

Some ideas I have to get you thinking:

A Sistine Chapel Quincentennial Celebration ....Italian menu

(June 6 is the 500th b-day of Velazquez, too, but that puts us back to Spanish food again (a bad thing?)

Dejuener sur la herbe........French "pique-nique"

A Biergarten, since we get such great beer....and to promote the business of our generous beer donors. I know we just had OF, but not that many ppl came, and we still have Beth's great photo op painting.

In view of the economy....a tribute to the WPA artists, or the Ash can School? Julyy 22 is Edward Hopper's b-day